12 Examples Of Blended Learning

12 Examples Of Composite Learning

by TeachThought Staff

Blended learning is a type of online education where students are taught in both traditional (face-to-face) and online or ‘virtual’ formats.

This tideway can be used in a variety of settings, from universities to businesses. While not platonic for every circumstance, composite learning has several advantages over traditional education: it can be increasingly flexible, increasingly affordable, increasingly personalized, and increasingly efficient.

Examples Of Composite Learning In Education

What are some examples of composite learning?

In the Definition Of Composite Learning, we offered that “blended learning is an tideway to learning that combines face-to-face and online learning experiences. Ideally, each (both online and off) will complement the other by using its particular strength.”

In Types Of Composite Learning, we moreover included very composite learning models like Station Rotation Composite Learning, Remote Composite Learning, and Project-Based Composite Learning. As for very working examples of composite learning you might see in a school or classroom? Let’s take a look.

An 8th-grade math ‘flipped classroom’ where students learn what the Pythagorean theorem is and see vital examples of it in use, then practice it the next day in the classroom with the support of peers and/or the teacher

Students do face-to-face group work in a classroom, then go home to unriddle that work and turn in a video as an towage form

A student taking a undertow online, then receiving face-to-face tutoring between online lessons

A school that uses part-time remote learning and part-time face-to-face, in-person learning would moreover be an example of composite learning.

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In a project-based learning unit on local waterways, students learn well-nigh waterways from a national expert through video conferencing, then take a field trip to a local river to take samples and perform other experiments

A teacher creates a digital playlist of videos for students to work through to well-constructed a unit on volitional energy sources, then take an exam on the material in class

Students write a research paper by taking an online undertow (a MOOC, for example) on their own, then during in-person instruction, work in small groups to offer feedback during the writing process would be participating in composite learning.

Students in a woodworking matriculation build chessboards without stuff ‘taught’ by observing experts doing the same using virtual reality