If you want to achieve those lofty goals you set, understanding how to discipline yourself is a key ingredient to the success recipe. But self-discipline isnt something new. Self-discipline has been a topic of discussion for thousands of years. And its been championed by some of the worlds most successful people.
Referring to our ability to succeed in life at any endeavor, Aristotle once said, Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. We cant form those good habits without having a handle on our ability to discipline our actions and behaviors.
Theodore Roosevelt once said, With self-discipline most anything is possible. More recently, Jim Rohn claimed, Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. And Robert Kiyosaki asserted that Confidence comes from discipline and training.
What successful people have come to understand is that discipline is the gateway to the achievement of their goals. They learned how to use discipline in their lives to achieve their dreams. They leveraged the art of self- discipline by creating a foundational set of good habits that helped them to see things through.
But how is a discipline created or formed? What allows one person to wield what seems like total and full control over their behaviors and their actions, while others falter and fail? How can one person be so conscious of what they do daily, while others simply throw caution to the wind?
The answer to those questions lies in our habits. Since 40% of our behavior is habit-driven, if you want to control your ability to be self-disciplined, you have to control your habits.
In particular, 10 habits help you to discipline yourself. If you can instill these 10 habits into your life, you can create the foundation for achieving your goals. Without these habits, youll just be stabbing around in the dark.
Do you want to achieve your goals? Do you want to know how to achieve your goals? But wait a minute, do you have goals?
Most people dont have goals, they only have wishes, and wishes are not goals. Wishes are just vague words with no power beyond them, lacking the incentive and motivation to make them come true.
Are the goals necessary? For some people, they matter, and for others, they dont matter. Some people need them, others dont care about them. Some are too lazy to define goals and follow them, and others are quite happy without goals.
The truth is that everyone has goals, but most of them are minor goals, such as arriving on time to work, see a certain movie, or cook a certain dish.
Next, there are bigger goals, such as finding a new job, earning more money, or buying a car. Still bigger goals are buying a house, having a successful business, becoming the CEO of a big company, a prime minister, or a president.
The bigger the goal, the smaller is the number of people trying to achieve it.
Goals are not related only to money, possessions, or status. Being successful with love, learning new skills, or making progress in self-improvement or meditation are also goals.
To achieve a goal, you must step beyond wishing and daydreaming. There must be a definite and clear goal, a plan, and a burning desire.
Define what you want as clearly as possible. You cannot achieve anything if you dont know what you want. Devote to this step as much time as you need. If you dont define your goal, everything would be just vague and you will not know how to proceed and would not be able to formulate a plan.