After learning this lesson you will be in a position to take an effective part in group discussions, one of the most important skills that contribute to professional success Introduction. Whether you are planning to do higher education or join an organization or discuss your views in a forum you will have to develop the art of participating in Group discussion.
Group discussion.
- It is a systematic and purposeful interactive oral process. Here; the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and feelings or views takes place. Every member of the group participate and give his point using clear language in a persuasive style and use voice and gestures effectively. Each participant knows the topic and shares his/her experience, knowledge, and presents his analysis in a brief and concise manner. Characteristics of successful group discussions
- Agreement on group goals
- Goal-oriented interaction
- Agreement on procedure
- cooperative and friendly atmospheres
- uses of effective communicative techniques
- Equitable distribution of participation
- Shared leadership Evaluation in selection GDs
- Subject Knowledge. It implies the ability to analyze facts or information and assimilate new ideas in a systematic way and correlate them with personal experience and exposure
- oral communication skills. Ability to speak confidently and in an effective way, using oral communication skills. Listening skills, Appropriateness of language, clarity of expression, Positive speech attitude, clear articulation, on verbal cues help in the positive display of talk.
- Leadership skills. It is essential to display leadership qualities to create the right impression. Taking initiative, analysis of spoken words, assertiveness, self-confidence, objectivity, Patience and composure, Persuasiveness and motivation are hallmarks of leadership
- Team Management. Team management includes adaptability, Positive attitude, cooperation, coordination
Group Discussion Strategies
- Getting the GD started.
- contributing systematically
- creating a friendly atmosphere
- Moving the discussion along
- Promoting optimal participation
- Handling conflict
- Effecting closure
Techniques for individual contribution
- It involves analyzing and interpreting the given topic which may include opinions, problems/issues, or case studies.
Group Interaction strategies
- Exchange opinions give an opinion, support your opinion, the balance point of view, Agreeing or disagreeing, exchanging suggestions and proposals ( or request or make suggestions), accept or reject the proposal