- Multichoice questions. Read the direction carefully, Mark those you can answer and those you cannot answer, read all the questions, options given, check the info in options, eliminate where options are not provided, and evaluate alternatives available.
- Steps for MCQ. Survey the test, type of queries, write down the memorized list into examination sheet, read direction. Check if there is any direction about penalty weightage answer easy questions first, guess answers for difficult questions and write answers after evaluation.
- Subjective questions. Comments-discuss briefly
- Compare-emphasize similarities and differences. Define meaning in brief but to the point
- Justify the point through logic solve. Write a solution based on the fact
- Write directions Jot down cues alongside questions, Plan your time, strive for an answer from easy to difficult, complete the answer with facts and figures, do not write vague impressions, Be concise, logical, and focus on the central idea & main points.